It's Who You Know

Luxury Real Estate marketing boasts the best and brightest of professional photography, videography, and advertising. But there’s something that sets apart a Luxury Real Estate Agent from the rest— their little black book.

While a successfully listed property brings to mind lots of social media exposure, Zillow paid listings, and lots of online advertising for the modern consumer, the luxury market can be a little (read: a lot) more private.

In a notoriously guarded echelon of real estate, an agent can’t always rely on the listing's exposure, or even an open house to get the home sold. Which is why a Luxury Real Estate agent is dedicated to building a large network of professional contacts.

Effective offline marketing should be built into a Luxury Realtor’s strategy. High-end real estate isn’t always about casting the widest net, but the most effective one.

Holding private broker open houses is often a tactic used by a well connected Realtor. “The last thing you want to be targeting is those who are marginally qualified,” says Bill Gasset, veteran Real Estate expert based out of Massachusetts. A top Realtor will have buyers in mind, brokers at hand, and a short list of experts in their sphere of influence.

Like all real estate marketing in 2018, no one can get away with ignoring online and social media advertising. It’s ingrained in consumers to shop this way and you are missing out on a huge audience by foregoing this platform. However, for Luxury Realtors, it’s not necessarily the key to getting your half million or more listing sold. It’s about brand recognition and solidifying your aura of extravagance with the best photography and video marketing available.

We’ve all heard the saying “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” This is especially true in the Luxury Real Estate Market.


  1. Great points there, thanks. And here is the relevant article, maybe someone will find it useful too


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